About any physical activities, I often have special instructions or warnings for pregnant women. Generally, the activities of a pregnant woman should be handled with utmost sincerity, and the woman has to be well aware of the risk factors.
Jumping on a trampoline while pregnant is not advised due to the increased risk of miscarriage. There are no guidelines when it comes to this type of activity when pregnant, but there are some interesting facts that you should know before jumping on your favorite trampoline.
Dr. Celia Camacho, MD of Celia Camacho M.D., F.A.C.P., discusses the long-standing debate of pregnant patients who have been jumping on a trampoline and whether or not they can keep doing so while pregnant. Sometime back in 1948, a woman was injured from a fall from a trampoline. As a result, the AAPS has issued a statement which states that pregnant women should practice caution on trampolines because of the risk of injury. The following factors are stated to be the most common causes of injuries in pregnant women:
- When jumping too quickly or without a proper landing on a trampoline.
- When jumping without wearing a protective cup.
- When jumping from a height.
- When jumping on wet surfaces.
- When jumping with the legs too close to the edge.
AAPS believes that the above factors should be borne in mind while trampolining. The AAPS has warned that the risk of injury increases in pregnant women and therefore requires extra precautions to be taken.
Here I have written another helpful article for you: Can you go to a trampoline park while pregnant?
Generally, there is a mixed response to whether a pregnant woman can jump on a trampoline. Some experts expose some beneficial sides of using trampoline by pregnant women, taking it as a risk.
Basically, the whole thing depends on different factors like your pregnancy stage, how you use the trampoline, and what kind of trampoline it is.
If you have a trampoline at your home and you are pregnant, you should never ever use it as you did before without knowing your current physical condition.
As many of you ask about this question, that’s why I am here to describe why you should use it and why not when you are pregnant.
First of all, I’d like to request you talked with a Yoga Expert or doctor before making any decision because you have to be aware of yourself and your babies.
So, from the start to the end, you should concentrate properly. I am sure you will learn something important and essential for you.

Can You Jump on a Trampoline While Pregnant?
If you want to have a straight answer, then the answer is no. If you can bounce on a trampoline while being pregnant, first and foremost, I will suggest you not do it right now. You have to learn about a few facts. Besides, it would be better if you manage to talk to your doctor.
Remember that when you will bounce on the trampoline, you will have many big shakes flowing over your whole body. And so, the baby will be hitched inside your belly. It may not be a good idea at all. It can be a cause of an unwanted accident.
But it is not true that you can not use the trampoline anyway while being pregnant. Eventually, you will have lots of benefits from using a trampoline if you are pregnant. But you have to ensure three particular facts.
- First, you should talk to your doctor, and it is mandatory. Because you can have rare physical issues while being pregnant.
- Next, you have to learn about your pregnancy stage. Not all the stages are safe for you.
- Finally, you have to ensure that you are using the right trampoline. Not all kinds of the trampoline are appropriate for pregnant women too.
Generally, an aerobic workout is considered a good habit for pregnant women. Mini-sized aerobic trampolines are now very much popular. And this type of trampoline is mainly recommended for pregnant women. Besides, an enclosure and other safety gear should also be used with the trampoline, especially for pregnant women.

Use of Trampoline According to The Stages of Pregnancy and the Risk Factors
You must know that a pregnant woman has different health issues based on the stages of her pregnancy. Basically, the complete time is categorized into 3 different stages. And your use of the trampoline will be different based on the stages. Let’s see how you should deal with the stages.
The First Trimester
Basically, the first trimester of your pregnancy is quite a sensitive time. Light aerobic exercise is suggested at this time. Jumping on a trampoline is not an issue unless you are not feeling all right. So, it is safe to jump on a trampoline while pregnant If it is your first stage.
But you should use it properly and lightly. At this time, your body won’t have a lot of differences and you won’t gain too much weight. And your hormones will work to wreak havoc with the equilibrium that results in nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. But it is not happening to everyone.
So, you can lightly jump on a trampoline taking breaks very often. And if you feel not well at any stage, you have to stop bouncing on it immediately.
The Second Trimester
You will gain weight in the second trimester of your pregnancy. But not as much as you will do at the final stage. But your extra weight can affect your balance on the trampoline. So, jumping on it is a little bit risky.
But if you continue bouncing on it from the first trimester lightly and you won’t feel any irritation, you can continue doing it at this stage too. This time, everything is depending on your feelings. At the same time, it is suggested not to take any risk anyway when you are pregnant.
The Third Trimester
There is no doubt that the third or the final stage is the most sensitive one. And there is no way you can take any risk at this time. At this time, you will develop your weight at its most. Besides, the position of your baby inside your belly is very much important too.
If you bounce on the trampoline harshly the baby can feel too pressurized and have got a wrong placement. At the same time, you can lose balance because of your extra body weight too. At this time, you can simply mainly do the lightest aerobic exercise only.
Some women often ask can you jump on a trampoline while 7 weeks pregnant. The 7th month is the first phase of the final stage and so, it’s better not to try it at this time.
Benefits of Using a Trampoline While Being Pregnant

Now, let’s see how the appropriate use of a trampoline can help you with your pregnancy. I am warning you once again to use the appropriate trampoline and also to use it lightly. Otherwise, it will be nothing but a nightmare for you. However, the following beneficial facts of using the trampoline are noted for pregnant women.
- While pregnant, most of the women are suffering from antenatal depression. It is a type of prolonged sadness that lasts for weeks or even months. It is happening because women are being excessively emotional at this time. Jumping on a trampoline helps you feel good.
- Having some light bounce on your trampoline can help you to improve your mood at this stage. Jumping on a trampoline results in endorphins hormones that mainly makes people happy.
- While being pregnant, you need to keep your body fit and healthy. You shouldn’t gain so much fat. But you also have to eat a lot and so, there is a risk of getting unwanted fat at this time. Jumping on your trampoline can help you in this case too.
- When you have a bounce on the trampoline, your whole body will move and have shakes. It also helps to ease your back and joints. For gaining extra weight, you can have pain in your back and joint. And to decrease the pain, you can use the trampoline too.
- Another common issue pregnant women face is Gestational Hypertension. As you cannot use medicines for this issue while being pregnant, you have to apply other solutions. And jumping on a trampoline is also a very effective idea at this critical stage.
So, the question, can you go to a trampoline park while pregnant is completely dependent on the stage of your pregnancy and how exactly you are feeling. But when it is about the trampoline park, I would like to remind you that you cannot use any trampoline except the one suggested for pregnant women.
Final Verdict
So, in the end, I can say that it is okay to use a trampoline while being pregnant only if it is your first stage. Still, you have to talk to your doctor and have to ensure that you are all right. Besides, remember to use it lightly and not try just any trampoline.
You can check out these best mini trampoline reviews from experts. Also, there are a lot of health benefits to using a mini trampoline.
However, as it is not a case with no risk factors, I suggest not to try it if possible. There are different aerobic exercises good for pregnant women. And you can also visit the yoga centers that treat pregnant women especially.
Hopefully, you have got your answer to the common question, “can you jump on a trampoline while pregnant?”. Still, if you have any confusion, you can simply knock on the comment box and we will come with a possible solution for your questions. Thank you for staying with us.